The Mad Music Website is born!

The Website on Day 2.

I wanted to create a post so that I’d be able to look back on the website after it was first launched. I created this website to better allow my materials to be accessed by anyone and everyone.

I’d also like to create a community of music educators where they feel free to collaborate, discuss, vent, and share. -Baby Steps.

If you’re here, I hope you take a look around the site and familiarize yourself. Be sure to sign up for the newsletter to grab any and all free materials I put out, (I’m planning a lot of them!).

Things may be a bit bare bones right now, but it’s a good start, and I can’t wait to see where Mad Music is in a year, or two, or ten!

Thanks for being here with me :)

Chase Jamison
Mad Music Founder


The Mad Music Facebook page is live!